April 2009 Archives

Preston Public School Boundary Meeting - April 29

The next public meeting regarding the Preston Area Elementary Schools'
Boundary Study is being held at Preston High School on Wednesday, April
29 at 7:00 pm.  If you have children attending, or planning to attend Preston Public School, your participation in this meeting is highly recommended.

The Working Group has narrowed the possible boundary changes to three scenarios, which will be presented at the meeting for public feedback.
Two of these scenarios directly impact our community and our children.

The scenarios are attached, and are also detailed on the Waterloo Region District School Board web site at http://www.wrdsb.on.ca/boundary-studies.php?studyid=9.  The three can be summarized as follows:

1) Move the children on the west side of King St./Highway 8 from Preston to Grandview.  This is referred to as Scenario 1 on the WRDSB web site.
2) Move the Pioneer Tower area children from Preston to Grandview.  This is referred to as Scenario 3a.
3) Split the Pioneer Tower area in two, and move one half from Preston to Grandview.  This is referred to as Scenario 6.

Despite our personal views on what may or may not be the logical choice, there is a process for boundary reviews, and the process allows for strong voices to be heard over silent ones.  Public support for or against a particular scenario will have a direct impact on what scenario the Working Group recommends to the school board.

At the first public meeting, Scenario 1 was presented, and was met with a great deal of opposition from the people who live on the west side of King St.  This second public meeting will include discussion of the latter two scenarios, and the Working Group will be waiting to hear the response from Deer Ridge and surrounding neighbourhoods.

If you cannot attend the meeting in person, you can also send your feedback to boundaryfeedback@wrdsb.on.ca.  Also, if you have questions about the review process, feel free to contact our representatives on the Working Group, Donna Gill and Belinda Kemp.

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