Bringing CarSharing to the neighbourhood

Grand River CarShare is a non-profit carsharing co-operative that makes efficient vehicles available on a pay-per-use basis to residents in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, and Hamilton. By filling in the gaps with occasional car use, we help support the use of greener transportation modes such as transit and cycling. Many households are also able to reduce the number or size of vehicles they own by supplementing with CarShare reservations a few times a week. Overall, driving is reduced, helping residents to improve their personal and financial health, while mitigating climate change and increasing neighbourhood vibrancy. Our members reserve vehicles that are located across the service area at self-serve stations, often near home or work, and on transit routes. Trips are billed monthly, with gas, maintenance, and insurance included. Our partners include the City of Kitchener (and three other municipalities), Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo, a number of local housing co-operatives, and Grand River Transit. More information, including a location map and rates, can be found at our website

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Settlers Grove Admin published on July 17, 2009 8:33 AM.

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