April 2011 Archives

Neighbourhood Garage Sale

Saturday June 4, from 8am to 11am.
Need some motivation to get your spring cleaning done? Plan to sell those old toys, books, dishes, clothes, exercise equipment, furniture and more at this year's garage sale.
The association will advertise in the Pennysaver and post signs throughout the neighbourhood.

Earth Day Clean Up

After a winter of heavy snow and blowing winds, our shared spaces could use a little TLC. Pitch in at this year's park clean up, which will be held at the Settler's Grove Park on Saturday, April 30 at 10am.
Gloves, bags and Tim Horton's treats will be provided by the City of Kitchener.
High School Students - don't miss out on getting a couple of well earned volunteer hours!

20% discount on Arbonne Products

Arbonne's focus is to create pure, safe and beneficial personal care products. They are all 100% Botanical and Vegan Certified. I am offering a 20% discount to all Settler's Grove Residents. To view the products you can go to the following website: denio.myarbonne.ca

Denise Ouellette
Independant Arbonne Consultant for Arbonne International
242 Pioneer Tower Road,
Phone: 519-653-0300
Website:  www.denio.myarbonne.ca
Email:  deniseouellette@sympatico.ca

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