November 2012 Archives

Mennonite Mass Choir presents The Messiah

Every four years, Menno Singers, based in Kitchener-Waterloo, sponsors the Mennonite Mass Choir as they sing Handel's Messiah. Mennonite Mass Choir is a much larger community-based choir. This year over 220 singers will sing Handel's Masterpiece at Centre in the Square in Kitchener with the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra and 4 fine soloists.  The choir is sounding very fine, and it should be a wonderful performance The performance of Messiah  often attracts an audience from well beyond this area, so it is advisable to get your tickets as soon as possible.

Saturday, December 8, 7:30pm - Mennonite Mass Choir performs Handel's Messiah at Centre in the Square in Kitchener with the Kitchener Waterloo Symphony Orchestra and soloists Bethany Horst, Jennifer Enns-Modolo, Christopher Enns and Daniel Lichti. Tickets are going fast and are available at the Centre in the Square box office in person or online ( They range in price from $20 to $50, depending on seat location.

For more information go to

2012 Winter Holiday Party

The Annual Winter Holiday Party for Settlers Grove residents is on Thursday, December 13, 2012 at Deer Ridge Golf Club. The doors will open a 7:00pm and all members in good standing are invited to come out to meet your neighbours.
*This is an adult only event.
If any member wishes to contribute a door prize on behalf of a sponsor/company or on an individual basis, contact us at
Download and print a Door Prize ballot. Submit this ballot at the door on the night of the event.

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