August 2015 Archives

City of Kitchener Neighborhood Strategy

The City of Kitchener is in the process of trying to develop a new Neighborhood Strategy.

The Neighborhood Strategy Team is conducting a small survey, to gather some information from the community, please see the link to the survey below. It is a short survey, only a few questions.


Date:  Sunday, September 13th, 2015
Time:  Starting at 12 (noon)
Location;  SGCA Park (behind Master Court, Candle Cres. and Pioneer Tower Dr.)

Hamburgers and  beverages will be provided by Settler's Grove and we ask that residents bring a side dish or dessert to share.  Residents should also bring along a lawn chair, bug spray and sun screen.

**Please note that we have changed the date from Saturday, September 12th to Sunday September 13th.

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