May 2018 Archives

Join us for the fourth annual Neighbours Day!

Take part in the Neighbours Day celebration at Centreville Chicopee Community Centre.
Saturday, June 9 from 1 - 4pm
Come join us for a free BBQ, bouncy castle, cotton candy, popcorn and face painting.

City of Kitchener 6th Annual Bikefest

It's almost time for the City of Kitchener Bikefest event.


This will be the 6th year running the event and its essentially intended to showcase cycling and enjoy a big community party in celebration of all the good things biking can do for people, health and our community.


Everyone is invited for an afternoon full of bikes, games, and fun!


DATE: Sunday May 27, 2018

TIME: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm



INCLUDES: prizes (including 2 bikes), food trucks, photo booth, games, music, bike tune-ups, e-bike demo rides, bike repair workshops etc.

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from May 2018 listed from newest to oldest.

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