June 2009 Archives

Seeking Citizen Participation in New Leaf Collection Survey

Jana Miller from the City of Kitchener writes....

Good morning,
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know, in case you weren't aware, that the city is conducting a citizen survey about options for its 2009 fall leaf collection program.
The leaf collection program is important to residents and we want to ensure that we are reaching out to residents in as many ways as possible.
This is likely an issue that many of your association members would be interested in participating in and I thought that you may be able to help us by passing this information on to your memberships, either via email or by word of mouth. Any help that you can provide in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
The options under consideration include:
  • Homeowners take responsibility for leaf disposal.
  • Residents required to place leaves in bags or containers.
  • Status Quo - the current program remains unchanged.
  • A new leaf collection program.
  • A single leaf collection and reduced drop-off sites. 
More complete details about the options are available at www.kitchener.ca - click on the leaf collection survey link on the main page - and within the printed surveys available at community centres, senior centres and indoor pools.
Survey details are as follows:
From June 15 through July 20, residents are encouraged to get involved and provide feedback via the leaf collection options survey which is available in several formats including:
  • Online at www.kitchener.ca - fill out the on-line version.
  • Pick up/fill out print copies at the Kitchener Market on June 27 or July 4
  • Pick up/drop off printed copies at a city community centre, senior centre or indoor pool.
  • Fill out the survey in the June 24 edition of the Kitchener Citizen - delivered to your home via The Record - and mail it in.
  • Fill out the survey in the July 2 edition of Your Kitchener - delivered to your home The Record - and mail it in.
  • Request a survey or provide your comments by email at leafcollection@kitchener.ca
  • Request a survey or provide your comments via voicemail message by calling 519-741-2602 - please include your name, address and postal code.
  • Mail us your comments at: Leaf Collection Program Survey, c/o Communications Division, 2nd floor, Kitchener City Hall, 200 King St. W., Kitchener, ON, N2G 4G7.
If you know of someone who would like to participate in the survey but does not have computer access or is unable to pick up a copy of the survey, please let me know and I will ensure that a survey is mailed to their home.
Once again, any assistance that you can provide in getting word about the survey to your memberships and/or beyond would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any further questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
Jana Miller
Manager of Corporate Communications
Corporate Communications & Marketing Division
City of Kitchener
(519) 741-2458
TTY: 1-866-969-9994

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