August 2009 Archives

Summer isn't over yet!

Join us for the first ever Settler's Grove Neighbourhood BBQ.

When: Saturday September 12, 2009
Where: Settlers Grove Park - Master Court
Time: 5:30 PM until dusk
What to bring:
  • A salad or dessert to share
  • Lawn chairs
  • Frisbees, badminton racquets, side walk chalk, bubbles, etc.
  • A few dollars to enter draws
Hamburgers, hotdogs and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided by the neighbourhood association. No RSVP required - just print out the BBQ Invitation and bring the family over!

We are looking for a few volunteers to assist with set up, flipping burgers and clean up, and to lend tables or donate items for the draw.

Do you have a projector and speakers? We'd love to show a movie on a garage door after dusk.

Please contact the neighbourhood association at if you can help out!

Neighbourhood Watch - Intruder Alert!

There have been several reports of recent break-ins in the on Candle Crescent, two on Lantern, one on Grand Hill, one on Fall Harvest and one on Deer Ridge Drive.   
The suspect reportedly breaks-in during the day through the front door, apparently carrying and using a shovel.  He is described as being 26 to 32 in age, dark brush cut hair, dressed in shorts and workboots, wearing no shirt.  He is likely posing as a landscape worker.
If you see this person, or other suspicious individuals carrying out TV's etc. pls. call police.

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This page is an archive of entries from August 2009 listed from newest to oldest.

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