June 2010 Archives

City of Kitchener summer playgrounds programs

They're fun. They're affordable. They're engaging for children aged three to 12, with songs and games, crafts and drama, and an off-site trip every week.

City of Kitchener Summer Playground programs run from July 5 to Aug. 13. These half-day programs are $20-30 per week, with a few full day programs at $75 per week.  Fee assistance is available for families who qualify.

Mass registration evenings took place earlier in June, but starting June 21, families can register for remaining spots at the following community centres during their regular business hours:

*       Chandler Mowat Community Centre, 222 Chandler Dr.
*       Country Hills Community Centre, 100 Rittenhouse Rd.
*       Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre, 150 Pioneer Dr.
*       Downtown Community Centre, 35B Weber St. W
*       Forest Heights Community Centre, 1700 Queen's Blvd.
*       Kingsdale Community Centre, 80 Wilson Ave.
*       Stanley Park Community Centre, 505 Franklin St. N
*       Victoria Hills Community Centre, 10 Chopin Dr.

There are approximately 60 sites throughout Kitchener so most families can find one are within walking distance. A few new sites this year include WT Townshend and Glencarin public schools and an Adventure program at the new Williamsburg Community Centre.

For a full list of summer playground sites, please visit the City of Kitchener website at www.kitchener.ca or call 519-741-2389 for more information.

Ensure your child has a summer to remember!

Consilio's Olive Oil Tasting Experience Saturday, June 12th

Visit Consilio's Fine Foods for an exclusive Olive Oil Tasting Experience from 12:00pm to 4:00pm on Saturday, June 12th.
Find your favourite silky-smooth, clean, fresh tasting extra virgin olive oils offering flavour nuances like apple, melon, lettuce leaves, fresh tomatoes, herbs.
Blogs and a podcast have been created about these extraordinary olive oils.  They have also been profiled on Rogers Daytime TV program (April 5) and a Toronto Dining TV program (May 18).
Our event will be facilitated by olive oil expert and importer, Dolores Smith from the Olivar Corporation.  Dolores has completed two professional olive oil tasting programs in Europe.
Find your favourite, very well produced Spanish olive oil.  A price for every budget!

Free Electronic Waste Drop Off

TD Canada Trust Invites You To A Free Electronic Waste Drop Off

The following items will be accepted:
- Computers, laptops, monitors
- Keyboards, Mouse
- CD Players, DVD/VCR Players
- Printers, Scanners
- Speakers
- Modems, Hard Drives, Disc Drives
- Fax Machines, Answering Machines
- Label / Card Printers
- TVs
- Typewriters

Date: Saturday June 5th
Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm
Place: TD Canada Trust, 4233 King St E & Deer Ridge Drive

Region of Waterloo Water Conservation By-Law is in Effect!

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It's that time of the year again! From May 31 to September 30, the Region of Waterloo's Water Conservation By-Law 07-069 (and amendments) is in effect. The purpose of the Region's Water Conservation By-Law is to limit outdoor water use to specified days and hours to help reduce peak water use and limit the risk of an outdoor water ban.

Outdoor watering days are based on the last digit of the residents' house number. Waterloo Region residents are allowed to: water lawns one day per week and water trees, shrubs, flowers, gardens, vehicles, and top-up residential pools on alternate days. All watering must take place on designated days between the hours of 5:30-10 a.m. and 7-11 p.m. However, watering by can or bucket is allowed at any time during the week. Washing streets, driveways, walkways, and buildings is prohibited.

Know your lawn watering day:
If your address ends in:
0 or 1 your watering day is: Monday
2 or 3 Tuesday
4 or 5 Wednesday
6 or 7 Thursday
8 or 9 Friday

* Lawn watering is not permitted on weekends

For all other outdoor water activities:
Residents may water on alternate days based on their house number. Odd numbered addresses may water on odd numbered calendar days while even numbered addresses may water on even numbered calendar days.

All watering must take place on designated days between the hours of 5:30-10 a.m. and 7-11 p.m.

For example:

Address: 126 King St.
Lawn watering day: Thursday
All other outdoor water activities: Even days (2nd of June, 4th of June, 6th of June, etc.)

For more information, call 519-575-4495 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or go to www.region.waterloo.on.ca/water

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