September 2010 Archives

Volunteer Opportunity - City of Kitchener Advisory Committees and Board

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The City of Kitchener is seeking volunteers with a wide range of skills and backgrounds for a number of advisory committees and boards of directors. Please help us by sharing the following information with your membership

Advisory committees and boards of directors are a great way to meet people, make connections, get involved in and give back to your community. You can learn new skills and use your skills to help others.

The City of Kitchener is recruiting for the following committees and boards:
·         Aeronautical noise management committee
·         Arts and culture advisory committee
·         Centre in the Square board of directors
·         Committee of adjustment
·         Compass Kitchener
·         Cycling advisory committee
·         Downtown advisory committee
·         Economic development advisory committee
·         Environmental committee
·         Heritage Kitchener
·         Kitchener Housing Inc.
·         Kitchener Public Library board
·         Property standards committee
·         Safe and Healthy Community advisory committee

Terms range from two to four years and interested parties must either live or work in Kitchener. Additional qualifications may apply; check the terms of reference available at The application deadline is Friday, October 1, 2010.

Settlers Grove Community BBQ

"Summer's not over yet!"
Community BBQ
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back by popular demand - Settler's Grove will be hosting a BBQ on Saturday September 11th at 4PM in the park. Bring along a salad or dessert for sharing and hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided. Don't forget your Frisbees, soccer balls, badminton racquets, and a lawn chair.

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This page is an archive of entries from September 2010 listed from newest to oldest.

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