April 2020 Archives

COVID-19 Updates

1) Due to the current self-isolate / stay-at-home situation, the SGCA Annual Meeting has been delayed until further notice. Once the city facilities reopen we will decide on a new date.

2) Residents are asked NOT to use Canada Post to send in their 2020 Dues payments. This will protect our volunteers by not requiring a trip to the post office box to pick up the mail.
Payments can be made by e-transfer using the information provided at the bottom of your invoices OR you can drop off payments at 101 Deer Ridge Dr in the mailbox (Please do not ring doorbell).

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from April 2020 listed from newest to oldest.

May 2019 is the previous archive.

April 2021 is the next archive.

Find recent content on the main index or look in the archives to find all content.